
#063: South Africa - Vrot eiers

One day Meraai wanted to bake a cake, but she ran out of eggs.
So she went to her usual grocery store in the dorp where she lived.

As she walked in, the owner, Gatiep, was there and she asked him
for a dozen eggs. She went back home and baked the cake. To her
surprise the eggs were rotten, so she went back to the store and
this time Gatiep wasn't there but his wife, Sera, was there.

Meraai approached the lady and said "Wiet djy, djou man het
vrot eiers?"

Sera, obviously shocked and upset said "Hoe wiet djy my man hy
het vrot eiers!?"

Meraai replied, "Kom ruik my koek!"

[Submitted by Stephen]



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